5 Underutilized Developments in Ecommerce Digital Marketing

Don’t get left behind in an ever-changing digital marketing landscape! Early adopters gain a competitive advantage; stagnant merchants quickly lose ground.

For this report, we compiled the top marketing strategies that remain underutilized by most merchants. We asked the directors of our main service areas to answer a simple question:

“What ecommerce digital marketing developments are giving retailers the biggest lifts, yet remain unexploited by most merchants?”

Read this report to discover the following:

  • Which seldom-used metric will help you win top ad placements where it matters most!
  • The Facebook ad format that’s killing it for retailers.
  • Three questions to determine if your store can exploit the new Amazon Marketplace targeting options.
  • The strangely underutilized tactic to boost free SEO traffic to your online store.
  • How to keep your fastest-moving products from disappearing in Google Shopping between feed updates.

Download this free report to gain a competitive advantage for your business!

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